-The Times of India The Congress on Thursday seized on the low yields of the 2G spectrum auction to Attack the federal auditor's Rs 1.76 lakh crore revenue loss projection, setting the stage for another round of bitter feuding with the opposition. After the Supreme Court-ordered 2G auction yielded just Rs 9,407 crore, information and broadcasting minister Manish Tewari hit out at the comptroller and auditor general, saying, "Mr CAG, where is...
Acid Attack victim struggles in Safdarjung, NCPCR helps out -Jyotsna Singh
-Deccan Herald A 15-year-old girl from Siwan, Bihar, was admitted in critical condition to the burns unit of Safdarjung hospital, after a classmate threw acid on her leading to complete blindness in one eye, burnt face, and breathing, speaking and hearing impairment. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has asked the Bihar government to release immediate financial assistance for the child’s treatment. Tuba Tabassum, a class-X student, left for tuition...
More »Combating a killer-Dr. PK Rajagopalan
-Frontline There are no effective vaccines against Japanese encephalitis, but its spread can be controlled in India through vector management. JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS, or JE, has become endemic in many parts of the country, occurring repeatedly in epidemic form in many of them—for instance, in parts of Gorakhpur in northern Uttar Pradesh. One can expect JE-type epidemics year after year in States where prolonged drought-like conditions are followed by heavy monsoons. This leads to...
More »Dengue grips Patna, health dept unfazed
-The Hindustan Times With the detection of fresh cases of dengue fever every day, the state capital seems to be falling in the grip of the infection. Altogether, 132 cases have been reported from different parts of Patna till date. “Though the disease has not yet taken the shape of an epidemic, the situation may take an ugly turn if health authorities fail to initiate steps on a war footing to...
More »PMO minister says CAG may be expanded, kicks up row
-The Times of India The UPA was caught in a fresh controversy over the comptroller & auditor general (CAG) after V Narayanasamy, minister of state in the Prime Minister's Office, was quoted as saying that the government was "actively considering" converting the federal auditor's office into a multi-member body. "It (VK Shunglu panel's suggestion to make changes in CAG) is under active consideration. The government is actively considering it," news agency PTI...
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