The over 2 lakh gram panchayats across the country will have to start recording their sittings in audio and video by the end of this month to bring transparency to proceedings, the panchayati raj ministry has ordered. The ministry issued a detailed order last December to all states and Union territories and warned that any panchayat failing to follow the rule would suffer cuts in funds to run government programmes. “This is...
Police raj label on education by GC Shekhar
Three bills the Centre has lined up to regulate higher education have been described as “draconian” by private institutions, which fear their enactment will bring the segment under a “police raj”. Two of the bills provide for jail terms and stiff fines to ensure that colleges and universities obtain accreditation before — and not after — starting courses and refrain from making exaggerated claims to attract students. For instance, under the “unfair...
More »SC personal liberty sermon
-The Telegraph The Supreme Court has set aside a Manipur magistrate’s preventive detention order against a member of the banned Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup group, saying it had been passed “casually” based on fears he might get bail. The top court ruled that such orders couldn’t be passed just because the state apprehended that an accused might get bail from normal criminal courts or because a person had been charged with a...
More »‘Apprehension of bail being granted no ground for preventive detention' by J Venkatesan
Right to life and liberty cannot be taken away sans due procedure, says Supreme Court Observing that the right to life and liberty guaranteed to a citizen under Article 21 of the Constitution cannot be taken away without following due procedure, the Supreme Court has held that mere apprehension of the authorities that an accused was likely to be released on bail was not a ground for passing preventive detention orders. A...
More »A Hell In Eternity by Amba Batra Bakshi
Greedy lawyers and lack of awareness condemn women undertrials twice over Kanimozhis All? Total number of male and female convicts in India: 1,23,941; Number of undertrials: 2,50,204 Number of female prisoners: 15,406; Female undertrials: 10,687 Female prisoners compromise 4.1 per cent of the prison population 469 women convicts with their 556 children and 1,196 undertrials with their 1,314 children are in prisons across the country Official capacity of prisons in...
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