-The Hindu The new Constitution Bench will sit for the first time on October 14. Over 60 years after an eight-judge Bench declared that Right to Privacy is not a fundamental right, the Supreme Court on Thursday decided to set up another Constitution Bench to re-look the question in the light of raging controversy that the Aadhaar card scheme is an invasion into citizen's privacy. In 1954, the Supreme Court Bench led by...
Study reveals US doublespeak on emission cuts -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: America has for long sought to shift the greater onus of battling climate change on the developing world. But a new study seeks to remind the richest nation on the planet to first practice what it preaches. Indian think tank, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), has tried to bring the focus back on the consumption-fuelled lifestyle of the developed world, specifically the US, in...
More »Poverty rate in India lowest among nations with poor population -Lalit K Jha
-Livemint.com/PTI According to a World Bank report, the number of people living in extreme poverty around the world is likely to fall to under 10% of the global population in 2015 Washington: India accounted for the largest number of poor people in any country in 2012, but its poverty rate was lowest among countries having large number of poor population, a latest World Bank report has said. According to the report,...
More »The grand delusion of Digital India -Nissim Mannathukkaren
-The Hindu The idea of attacking poverty by increasing mobile connectivity in a country that ranks 55 in the Global Hunger Index is just fantasy Interviewer: What would you regard as the most outstanding and significant event of the last decade? Siddhartha: The… war in Vietnam, sir. Interviewer: More significant than landing on the moon? Siddhartha: I think so, sir. — “Pratidwandi” (The Adversary), 1970 The most fundamental debate for our youth is the choice between Android,...
More »302 of 614 districts reeling under drought, highest since 2009 -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India There is more to this year's rainfall deficit than meets the eye. After the monsoon was officially declared over on September 30, 17 of the country's 36 weather subdivisions had received deficient or scanty rainfall. That's about 39% of the country's area, home to over 66 crore people, nearly half the country's population. Deficient is when rains are below the average by 20% or more while scanty...
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