India is setting up a Rs.5,000 crore credit guarantee fund to facilitate easy education loans to needy students by providing protection against defaults to banks. The move was endorsed at a meeting of the Central Advisory Board on Education (CABE), the highest education advisory body to the government that comprises academicians, industry experts and state education ministers, human resource development (HRD) minister Kapil Sibal told reporters Wednesday. “CABE members endorsed the initiative to...
Rs. 1,500-cr. plan for census towns
-The Hindu To provide water supply, drainage, solid waste management and street lighting If a rural area boasts a high population — well above 5,000, sometimes as high as 20,000 — with most of its workforce in non-farm jobs, is it a village or a town? For almost 4,000 such areas, the definition is unclear: the census calls them towns, but since they have gram panchayats rather than municipal corporations, the government...
More »PIL on power from Kudankulam plant dismissed
-The Hindu The Madras High Court on Wednesday dismissed a Public Interest litigation petition seeking a direction to the Centre to allot the entire 2000 MW to be generated by the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project to Tamil Nadu. In its order, the First Bench comprising the Chief Justice M.Y.Eqbal and Justice T.S.Sivagnanam said the petitioner had not even made any representation to the authorities concerned regarding the matter. It was a policy...
More »Guilty on many counts, not corrupt-Harish Khare
-The Hindu Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's decency and politics of reconciliation have been his undoing Last fortnight I had cloistered myself away in the hills for a spot of reflection and writing. I had chosen to deprive myself of blessings like newspapers, the television and internet; telephone connectivity was at best erratic and in any case it was turned off most of the time. During one occasional moment of connectedness I got...
More »Give the Saranda Development Plan a chance-Jairam Ramesh
I read Aman Sethi's piece on the Saranda Development Plan (“Nine months on, police camps sole development in Saranda plan”, June 4) with great interest but with greater anguish. Before I deal with his main charge — that private mining interests are behind the SDP — I want to lay out what the SDP is all about. It is the first systematic experiment in combining a security-oriented and development-focussed approach...
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