Aadhar, the project to give unique identification number to every resident, will be launched in the State by Chief Minister K. Rosaiah in a week. In the first phase, 3.11 crore individuals are targeted to be enrolled by March next in seven districts. Addressing a press conference here on Friday, Minister for Civil Supplies J. Krishna Rao admitted that there was certain percentage of pilferage in every government scheme. Aadhar (UID...
Madhya Pradesh farmers to have public hearing on soil health
Farmers in Bagli village of Dewas district of Madhya Pradesh will organise a public hearing on Oct 8 on the harmful impact of chemical fertilizers on soil. Several agriculture experts, government officials, politicians and representatives of civil society are expected to attend the hearing. The public hearing is part of the 'Living Soils' campaign launched by Greenpeace India to highlight soil health and its relevance to food security. 'The hearing will review the...
More »Forever Stuck in a Cycle of Debt and Death by Uddalak Mukherjee
According to the National Crime Records Bureau, since 2003, one Indian farmer has committed suicide every 30 minutes. In 2008, 16,196 farmers took their own lives, bringing the total number of farmer suicides in India between 1997 and 2008 to 199,132. (Significantly, P. Sainath is of the opinion that like all government data, these figures too are unreliable. For when women farmhands kill themselves, their deaths are not enlisted as...
More »Road safety: a public health challenge by KS Jacob
India's hurried quest for development and its disregard for road safety have resulted in a major public health problem that demands serious thought and action. The high mortality and morbidity associated with road traffic injuries are a major public health challenge worldwide. Every year, road traffic crashes kill an estimated 1.2 million people. The figure for the injured is over 50 million. Significant increases in these estimates are projected over the...
More »RTE may not necessarily help tribal children: Study by Swati Shinde
Physical access to schooling and socio-cultural difference between children from scheduled tribes and children from the mainstream are factors responsible for tribal children being deprived of basic education, and the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory to Education (RTE) Act, 2009, will not necessarily help the tribal population of the country, reveals a recent study. A study, carried out by S N Tripathi of the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics...
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