-The Hindu The Trinamool Congress has "conspired" to ensure that the rural polls are not held in West Bengal by entering into a confrontation with the State Election that resulted in the latter moving court on the issue, alleged the Opposition parties here on Monday. "For a while, there were indications that the rural elections will not be held on time. The State government has played a distinctive role in plotting...
Governors in the dock -JItendra
-Down to Earth They turn a blind eye to laws overriding tribal rights, complains national commission GOVERNORS of states with sizeable tribal population have come in for indictment over not performing their special administrative roles. To ensure partial autonomy in tribal areas, the Constitution entrusts governors with immense powers to supervise the administration and governance in such areas. They can allow or disallow any law or development programme in tribal areas to...
More »Review panel for health projects
-The Telegraph Bhubaneswar: The Odisha government proposes to set up review committees at village levels and urban areas to keep a tab on all health related programmes. The committees, which will have people from various walks of life, will do social audit of the projects being implemented in their areas. Health and family welfare minister Damodar Rout today said: "The committees will be set up in rural as well as urban areas. All...
More »Turf tiff over Nirbhaya fund -Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph Ministries are in the dark over control of the Rs 1,000-crore "Nirbhaya Fund", announced in last month's budget and named in the Delhi gang rape victim's memory, despite government declarations of urgency in dealing with women's safety issues. While some ministers believe the home ministry will be the nodal agency to handle the funds, others reckon that the finance ministry will take the reins and disburse the cash to ministries...
More »No tax relief for SEZs, rules Chidambaram -Sidhartha
-The Times of India In a major setback to special economic zone (SEZ) developers, finance minister P Chidambaram has turned down the commerce department's plea to cut the minimum alternate tax (MAT), which was imposed two years ago. A lower or no tax burden was cited as one of the main drivers for boosting investment in what were until recently duty-free enclaves. The commerce department had made a case for reversing Chidambaram's...
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