-The Hindu The journalist who first wrote the story with the ‘15,000 Gujarati pilgrims' claim says his source for the figure was Anil Baluni, the BJP's spokesperson in Haldwani in Uttarakhand. For three days running, there was no reaction from the Bharatiya Janata Party to reports that the Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, had evacuated ‘15,000 Gujaratis' from Uttarakhand in the course of a two-day visit to the hill State. But with...
Sardar Sarovar dam clears another hurdle
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: A major hurdle in increasing the height of Sardar Sarovar dam on Narmada river from the present 121.92 metres to 138.64 metres has been cleared. Both Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh governments said during a meeting convened by Union government's department of social justice on Thursday that the process of rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) has been completed in their respective regions and that they have no objection if...
More »Planning Commission cautions states against doling out freebies -Yogima Seth Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Before populism spikes in the run-up to the general elections, the Planning Commission has cautioned states against doling out freebies such as free laptops, tablets, and mobiles in the name of development spending and instead asked them to focus on schemes related to infrastructure development. "This year's message is basically that states must have much more efficient functioning of the inclusiveness scheme. Since a lot of the...
More »South tops in bank access; Maharashtra, Gujarat below national average
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Southern states have emerged on top on financial inclusion parameters, while the East and some of the developed states of the West - including Gujarat and Maharashtra - are below the national average. A new index on financial inclusion released by ratings and analytics firm Crisil on Tuesday showed that Puducherry topped the list, followed by Chandigarh and Kerala. In fact, most of the top slots...
More »Vegetable prices rise 50 per cent owing to bad weather -Madhvi Sally
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Vegetable prices have risen up to 50% in Delhi, Mumbai and other parts of the country as farms near the Yamuna river in northern India are flooded, while dry weather in many parts of western India have hit output. The deluge in parts of northern India has also wiped out muskmelon and watermelon apart from hurting the mango crop. Traders said it would take two to four...
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