-PTI Opposition parties on Friday disrupted Rajya Sabha demanding a special economic package for seven most backward states including Bihar, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh, leading to an adjournment of the House till noon. Raising the issue, Kiranmay Nanda (SP) said the Central government had failed to provide financial package to the seven most backward states identified in the Raghuram Rajan report. The Rajan panel had in September 2013 recommended a new index of...
Only 24 cases of diversion of subsidized urea since 2010: Govt -Dipak Kumar Dash
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Fertilizer minister Srikant Jena may keep claiming that annually 30 lakh tonne of highly subsidized urea for agriculture is being smuggled to chemical factories, but the government says states have reported only 24 such cases since 2010-11. Jena had recently said at a conference of Indian Fertilizer Association (IFA) that there are serious signs of mismanagement in an information technology-driven era when targeted farmers can be...
More »Women's Reservation Bill Fails to Get LS Nod Again
-Outlook The fair sex got an unfair deal in the 15th Lok Sabha on the issue of reservation in legislatures despite the three top posts being occupied by women. The ambitious Women's Reservation Bill, which provides for 33 per cent reservation for women in the lower house of Parliament and state assemblies for 15 years, failed to get the nod this time too though Sonia Gandhi was the UPA Chairperson, Meira Kumar...
More »Congress may take ordinance route for anti-graft laws
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Faced with intense pressure from Rahul Gandhi, the UPA government is likely to approach the President for his consent for the promulgation of ordinances on anti-corruption legislations. Sources in the Congress said the government is likely to take up the matter with the President shortly. Rahul himself indicated that the ordinance route was on. "These bills were in national interest and we felt the opposition would help...
More »Steps to improve Healthcare in Rural India
-Press Information Bureau (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) Healthcare for all, particularly for the rural areas has been a priority for the Government. The health indicators like Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Total Fertility Rate (TFR), and nutritional status of children under 3 years including prevalence of anemia amongst them and pregnant women in rural area are considerably poor as compared to urban areas. The key health indicators are as under: Public...
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