-The Economic Times West Bengal government on Monday filed a caveat in Supreme Court so that no petition by Tata Motors Ltd (TML) over the Singur land issue is heard on ex-parte basis. The move was made subsequent to TML counsel Samaraditya Pal's efforts to (a) first get an exparte ad-interim stay on land distribution at Singur which was turned down by Justice Soumitra Pal (b) then appeal to a...
The not-so-shining India by Dr Binayak Sen
TODAY, India is considered around the world as a rapidly developing country posting economic growth rates of around 8-9 percent consistently over the last several years. Along with China, which is much further ahead, India is seen as a powerhouse of the global economy in the decades to come and already it is home to a very large number of dollar billionaires, perhaps the largest such number in Asia. In...
More »We are not anti-Tata: West Bengal government
-PTI The West Bengal government today submitted before the Calcutta high court that it was not against the Tatas but in favour of farmers and employment generation. Contesting the Tata Motors Ltd prayer that the Singur Rehabilitation and Development Act 2011 be declared unconstitutional, senior counsel for the government Saktinath Mukherjee submitted before Justice Saumitra Pal that the government was answerable to the people as 1000 acres of fertile land was...
More »The Battle for Land: Unaddressed Issues by Avinash Kumar
The episodes of violence in land acquisition by the government, as witnessed recently in Bhatta-Parsaul in Uttar Pradesh and in other states earlier, occur because patterns of violence are inbuilt into the process. Despite a bill pending in Parliament since 2007, there has been little effort by political parties to evolve a consensus on acquisition of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes. The law as at present and also the provisions...
More »Repeal the Law of Sedition by Rajindar Sachar
One of the most shameful pieces of legislation in our penal code is the continuance of ‘Sedition’ in Section 124A of the Penal Code which provides that whoever excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the government established by law in India shall be punished with imprison-ment for life. The expression disaffection includes disloyalty and all feelings of enmity. This provision was included by the British Government in 1870 as...
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