-DNA The Centre has asked the Madhya Pradesh government to send "on priority basis" its action taken report on alleged corruption to the tune of several crore in works done under its flagship rural employment guarantee scheme. Senior officials in the rural development ministry said the state government has not yet sent its ATR over the series of irregularities pointed out by the ministry. "We are concerned over the irregularities and sought...
Maoists gun down labourer in Palamau
A labourer has been killed by the Maoists as he refused to pay extortion money at Dungri village in Palamau district, the police said here today.Raj Dev Turi (42) was dragged out from his house by a dozen armed Maoists and shot him dead last night after he refused to pay them 'levy' (extortion), Deputy Superintendent of Police, Sudarshan Mandal, told newsmen here.Turi was working as a labourer in some...
More »Three farmers in MP commit suicide due to crop failure
Three farmers allegedly committed suicide following damage to their crop due to frost and extreme cold wave conditions in Chhatarpur and Vidisha districts of Madhya Pradesh. The suicides were reported last night. Kunjilal Ahirwar (28) ended his life by hanging self himself to a tree in his field at village Pathada in Chhatarpur district, after frost damaged his crop in five acres, his wife Bhagunti Bai said. In another incident,...
More »Centre to send monitors to MP to probe alleged graft in NREGA by Ashwini Shrivastava
The Centre will send "monitors" to Madhya Pradesh to look into alleged financial irregularities worth crores of rupees in several works done under its flagship rural employment guarantee scheme. Official sources said the action came after several non-government organisations and self-help groups approached Rural Development Ministry, nodal agency for executing work through under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGA), regarding alleged corruption in the programme meant for people living...
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