-The Hindu Business Line In Uttar Pradesh, women find their calling in rearing small livestock The ten women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) or samoohs of Naithu village of Badaun, Uttar Pradesh are doing such good business in goat rearing that they call them their ATM cards. The 120 women of these samoohs were not affluent enough to buy buffaloes and cows despite the loans available, so they settled for rearing goats, paying Rs....
A greater focus on farmer welfare -Purvi Mehta
-Livemint.com There is an emphasis on increasing farm productivity, but this might not always align with greater profitability While inaugurating the Krishi Mela at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in March, Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed for a “three-pillared” approach to farming, which included crop farming, agro forestry—that is, planting timber trees along farm peripheries—and animal husbandry. This is an important enunciation of how Indian agriculture works as an integrated system in...
More »Unseeing the drought -Harsh Mander
-The Indian Express The suffering of millions does not create public outrage, much less government accountability. The people of India’s villages carry collective memories of centuries of calamitous losses of sometimes millions of lives in famines. Famines have been pushed into history, unarguably one of free India’s greatest accomplishments. But the same can’t be said about droughts, which continue to extract an enormous toll on human suffering. At least a third of the...
More »The case of missing bulls in India -Roshan Kishore
-Livemint.com As the country still continues to debate the beef ban and its impact on agrarian distress, data shows that what’s really being hit is the sex ratio of the bovine population New Delhi: Bulls are missing, both in India’s equity markets and in its fields. As the country still continues to debate the beef ban and its impact on agrarian distress, data shows that what’s really being hit is the...
More »Earning a name in farming -Kumar Rajesh
-The Times of India Bhagalpur: Sanju Devi (55), a resident of Tailath village in Khagaria district, had never thought that her innovative practices in farming on a small piece of land near her house would fetch her laurels and hog the limelight at the Kisan Mela 2016 organized by Bihar Agricultural University (BAU) at Sabour in Bhagalpur district. Sanju grows high-yielding vegetables, including mushrooms, rears honeybees and runs poultry by adopting integrated...
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