-The Hindu Books will soon be procured for all the children, says district coordinator of SSA Tiruvallur: Asish Mehra sits in the front row of his class, flipping through his notebook. There is hardly any space between the Oriya letters, as if he is desperately trying to save paper. It is his only notebook, and it turns out Asish is indeed trying to make the paper last. He is one of the many...
Panel moots percentile pill -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph An expert panel has suggested three ways of comparing students’ marks across 26 Class XII boards for admission to about 40 central institutions, amid indications that a percentile-based matching may be approved. One of the other options is based on the calculation of a board’s mean score, and the third on the determination of the mean as well as the standard deviation (a statistical concept), sources told this newspaper. They added...
More »It is just not just -Sanjoy Hazarika
-The Hindustan Times Enacted in 1958 to deal with the Naga uprising in the then composite state of Assam, the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) was reviewed by the Justice BP JEEvan Reddy Committee in 2005, which recommended that it be scrapped. The Reddy report remains untabled in Parliament, despite the recent outcry, triggered by the Justice Verma Committee’s view that the Act needs to be reviewed (in the light...
More »When water flows like money-P Sainath
-The Hindu If drought is making many in Osmanabad struggle for survival, it is also boosting a 24-hour trade that thrives on scarcity Bharat Raut spends around Rs.800 a month on petrol — just to fetch water that belongs to him. So do a lot of others in Takwiki village in Osmanabad district in Marathwada. Almost every household in Takwiki (and other villages) has one member locked into a single task each...
More »JP Mishra, chief of the State Health Resource Centre, Chhattisgrah interviewed by Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu Chhattisgarh is all set to allow private diagnostic centres at public health facilities within three months. Critics are appalled by the idea of business space for private players in public health facilities while supporters feel it will improve the pallid health care infrastructure in the State. The architect of the new model, J.P. Mishra, chief of the State Health Resource Centre — the State Health Department’s technical assistance body...
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