-The Indian Express BJP candidate Neelam Karwariya, whose husband, former BJP MLA Uday Bhan Karwariya, is lodged in Mirzapur district jail, won from Meja seat in Allahabad. Lucknow: Murder accused Raghuraj Pratap Singh alias Raja Bhaiya and Amanmani Tripathi, jailed don Mukhtar Ansari and gangsters Vijay MIShra and Sushil Singh are among over a dozen candidates with criminal backgrounds who won this election. While Singh contested on a BJP ticket from Saiyadraza seat...
On track, but more needed -R Prasad
-The Hindu Institutional deliveries are up in India, but breastfeeding within the first hour of birth needs to keep pace Despite institutional delivery being as high as nearly 79% nationally, the number of children in India breastfed within one hour of birth is less than 42% — near 43% in urban areas and 41% in rural India, according to the National Family Health Survey 4 (NFHS-4) data released a few days ago....
More »Value addition to common foods can fight India's hidden hunger -Ruchika Chugh Sachdeva
-Hindustan Times India’s performance in the recently released Global Hunger Index (GHI) report is tragic. The country which is one of the largest producers of cereals, vegetables and fruits in the world, ranks 97 among 118 countries and is home to over 184 million undernourished people. India also pays a very heavy price for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, often called “hidden hunger”, as it loses $12 billion in gross domestic product...
More »Madhya Pradesh's first cashless village also waterless -Neeraj Santoshi and Ranjan
-Hindustan Times Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh’s first “cashless” village is actually “waterless”, prompting villagers to adopt a novel initiative of sourcing water through rooftop water pipes from tubewells located in their agricultural fields 1,000 to 2,000 feet away. Thick black water pipes running over the rooftops and treetops in the village, coming from the agriculture fields might be MIStaken as electric wires at first sight. “We don’t care about cashless status as our...
More »El Nino seen arriving too late to hurt India's monsoon rains -Pratik Parija
-Livemint.com/ Bloomberg A late El Nino may MISs India’s monsoon season that runs from June through September, accounting for more than 70% of rain and watering more than half of all farmland New Delhi: India’s monsoon may escape the effects of a possible El Nino as the event that can bring dry weather to the world’s top cotton grower and second-biggest wheat and sugar producer. “Mostly it may not have any impact on...
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