Seven journalists from English and Hindi media from Delhi, Chandigarh, Jharkhand, Haryana, West Bengal and Chhattisgarh have been selected for the prestigious Inclusive Media-UNDP Fellowships 2015. The fellows will take time off from routine journalism to spend time with rural/ marginalized communities to highlight their anxieties and concerns that require wider coverage and public attention. The fellowships cover costs of news gathering, logistics and incidental expenses up to Rs 150,000. The...
Male child still preferred, shows Census data -Rukmini S
-The Hindu New Census data indicates that two processes around the preference for a male child are going on simultaneously in India — prenatal sex determination and repeated pregnancies. Data on family sizes and sex ratios released on Monday showed that at every family size, there were more boys born than girls. However as family sizes got bigger, the sex ratio within the family got much less skewed, indicating that families with...
More »Are women really equal in the matrilineal society of Meghalaya? -Paramita Ghosh
-Hindustan Times “Adam’s rib is a good place to begin the Story of Creation,” says Martha Mary as tea is poured into cups in a room at a presbytery over which a brief rain is falling. “But there are two versions,” says the elderly office-bearer of a women’s wing of the Presbyterian church in Shillong. “The first version says God made Man, and the Woman comes from his rib. In another...
More »IMA needs to introspect on state of private medical services -Harsh Mander
-Hindustan Times School textbooks in recent decades have frequently become battlegrounds for ideological contestation in India. Most textbook wars are to advance majoritarian perspectives on history and culture. However, a recent very different textbook skirmish broke out about the public and private sectors in healthcare. The story of this ideological clash is bemusing and instructive, illuminating competing perspectives on the nature of education, healthcare and markets in new India. This clash surfaced...
More »Every third child born in India is premature, say Mumbai doctors
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Every third child born in India is premature, said city's neonatologists while stressing on the need to check this trend by improving the nutrition of young women. Neonatology Forum (NNF) Mumbai's president Dr Kishore Sanghvi said, "It is estimated that 3.6 million premature births took place in India in 2010. India is the biggest contributor to the world's prematurity burden.'' He was speaking at a function held on...
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