Torrential rain over the past two weeks has damaged 20 per cent of the standing crops, and the loss has been estimated at Rs. 500 crore. Minister for Agriculture Umesh Katti told presspersons here on Thursday that crops about to be harvested were damaged in Chitradurga, Kodagu, Haveri, Shimoga, Chikmagalur, Mandya, Hassan, Gadag, Belgaum and Chickballapur districts. Crops such as jowar, paddy, maize, ragi and potato were damaged extensively in some...
FAO predicts marginal fall in global cereal production by Gargi Parsai
Current production and stocks are adequate to cover the demand The global cereal production for 2010-11 is expected to be 2,239 million tonnes compared to 2, 261 million tonnes recorded in 2009-10, about 1 per cent lower than last year. Reduced output of wheat in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries due to drought, as well as smaller crops in the European Union and North Africa, account for the decline. Even...
More »Doubts over bumper foodgrain yield
The prospects of a bumper foodgrain yield during the monsoon have considerably dimmed as the threat of cyclone looms large and heavy rains continue to batter several coastal districts. Standing crop spread over an estimated 2.83 lakh hectares (a little over 7 lakh acres), according to preliminary estimates, is under water in six coastal districts. The extent could be much higher after the assessment of the damage is complete. A cyclonic...
More »Lok Sabha speaker pitches for land to tillers
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on Wednesday said that the "revolutionary" target of land to the tillers should be pursued honestly to sustain the interests of farm labourers and increase the agricultural productivity of India. "Agricultural labourer is the real farmer. With their hard work, we are able to grow crops but they do not have lands. 'Land to the tillers' revolutionary target should not fade away. This should be achieved...
More »WB comes to farmers’ aid with Rs 450-cr loan by Ketaki Ghoge
For generations, a majority of Vidarbha’s debt-ridden farmers have only grown cotton, making themselves vulnerable to unreliable market conditions. Now, these and other districts facing an agrarian crisis, as well as the rest of the state’s agriculture community may have some reason to smile. Rs 643 crore will be pumped into the state for the farmers, with the government going ahead with its ambitious Maharashtra Competitive Agriculture Project (MACP). On Tuesday, the...
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