-The Times of India The Supreme Court, which relentlessly strove to bring to book perpetrators of the fake encounter killings of Sohrabuddin and Tulsiram Prajapati in Gujarat, has an explosive situation on its hands as the National Human Rights Commission informed it that 191 fake encounter killings took place in the country in the last five years. Appalled by the attitude of the Manipur government in responding to over 1,500 alleged fake...
Cash scheme will influence polls, says CEC
-The Times of India CHENNAI/NEW DELHI: Chief election commissioner V C Sampath on Tuesday expressed his disapproval over the Centre's decision to go ahead with the direct cash transfer scheme when assembly elections were round-the-corner in Gujarat. Himachal Pradesh, the other state that went to polls, is yet to know the result, and model code of conduct is still in force. Sampath, who was in Chennai to review the ongoing summary revision of...
More »EC slams govt on cash transfer
-The Hindustan Times The Election Commission on Tuesday ticked off the Union government for announcing the implementation of Aadhar-based direct cash transfer scheme during election time in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh and directed it to keep the process in abeyance in the two poll-bound states. The three-member commission, in its meeting chaired by chief election commissioner VS Sampath, in its order stated that the government's announcement was "avoidable", keeping in mind the...
More »This is not the dawn we dreamt of -Syeda Hameed
-The Hindustan Times The recent arrest of two young girls in Maharashtra - Shaheen Dhada and Rinu Srinivasan - for posting and liking a Facebook comment questioning the shutdown in Mumbai for Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray's funeral reminded me of an incident that happened a few years after Independence and Partition. It was 1952 and I was playing in a neighbourhood park when some children coerced me into telling them my name....
More »Cash Transfer Debate: Experts speak
-Tehelka The cash transfer debate has turned political with BJP complaining to the Election Commission about the timing of the announcement. It claims the scheme was declared with Gujarat polls in mind. However the Congress-led Central government rubbished the allegation and said the announcement happened in March. Even the political slugfest continues, the debate among experts and activists hasn’t died down. Akshai Jain spoke to a few experts about the various...
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