-The Hindu Business Line The Narendra Modi government has shown intent in pushing for rural electrification, but the devil lies in the detail, write Richa Mishra and Debabrata Das Soon after taking over at the helm of the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was at a function in Solapur, Maharashtra. Sharing one of his visions, Modi said, “Many elections have been fought in our country on this issue and the issue is...
INDIA FOCUS: Drought and drinking water shortage. More than one-third of India is affected. Click here for info and links.
Situation alarming: More than one-third population hit by drought The country is facing severe drought for the second consecutive year. Conservative estimates from official sources show that over a quarter of rural habitations are facing drinking water scarcity. Although both India Meteorological Department and Skymet have predicted a more than normal rainfall during June-September, 2016, the water storage available in 91 major reservoirs of the country has declined from 22 percent...
More »Drought cripples farm sector -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard The first two years of the Narendra Modi government were marked by big announcements that will take their time to materialise. The one sector that is unfazed by slogans is agriculture. The sector is crippled by back-to-back droughts coupled with a record fall in farm prices. A slump in global markets meant that agriculture exports, which could provide farmers alternative revenue, dried up. Agriculture and processed food exports from India...
More »Census pegs female-headed households at 13.2%, but it may be underestimation
There is a general perception that men are the primary breadwinners and, therefore, they are the ones responsible for fending for their families. However, recently released data from the population Census 2011 shows that around 3.3 crore households in the country are headed by women. In other words, overall there are 13.2 percent female-headed households (See Chart 1). The Census data shows that there are 59.4 lakh single member female-headed...
More »Grain stock ample to tackle drought, says Centre -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard At end-April, foodgrain stock in the pool was estimated at 36.95 mn tonnes, 6.7% more than at the same time last year As a drought and drinking water crisis grips several states, the food stock position in the central pool seems to be among the few comfort factors for the government. At end-April, foodgrain stock in the pool was estimated at 36.95 million tonnes, 6.7 per cent more than at the...
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