-The Hindu "It deserves to be thrown into the dustbin" The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the magisterial probe report on the Tarn Taran incident, in which a girl and her father were beaten up by the Punjab police, as it justified the attack on the duo. A Bench of Justices G.S. Singhvi and Kurian Joseph told Additional Solicitor-General Siddharth Luthra, appearing for the Punjab government, "the report does not have the value...
Man penalised for filing 100 RTI applications -Rahul Devulapalli
-The Times of India HYDERABAD: At a time when the central government is formulating ways to 'strengthen' the not-so-adequately used Right to Information Act 2005 (RTI) in the country, here is a man from AP who has been penalised by the state information commission for using the RTI a little too frequently. Turns out that E Sivaramanjaneyulu, a resident of Navapala village in Anantapur district, dashed off over 100 RTI applications,...
More »Nitish Kumar proposes 50% reservation for women in cooperative societies -Ashok K Mishra
-The Economic Times PATNA: Reserving 33% seats for women in Parliament and state legislatures may remain a dream for Congress president Sonia Gandhi but chief minister Nitish Kumar has not only done that in panchayat bodies of Bihar but is set to take the concept to other areas. Women's support for JD(U) had swelled in elections following the reservations, as the fair sex exhibited approval for the progressive legislation. Encouraged by 'lady...
More »Govt not able to meet job target for less privileged -Vikas Dhoot & Rajeev Jayaswal
-The Economic Times Six years after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh first urged India Inc to pro-actively offer employment to the less privileged sections of society, the government has not been able to walk the talk. A special recruitment drive initiated by it has failed to meet targets. Under the government's affirmative drive launched in 2008 and focused purely on offering jobs to candidates from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes...
More »Grieving father of student leader blasts Mamata
-The Hindustan Times Deceased SFI leader Sudipta Gupta's father said chief minister Mamata Banerjee was ‘off her head' after she seconded police claims that the youth died as he hit a lamp post. Sudipta's father Pranab also did not take comfort in Mamata's claims of solidarity with the family. "The chief minister is off her head. Is this justice?" a beleaguered Gupta asked, moments after Mamata's visit to SSKM hospital on Wednesday...
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