-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Delhi high court on Thursday asked the Centre to explore the possibility of extending the ban on diesel cabs to the entire National Capital Region (NCR) "even if the Motor Vehicles Act has to be amended" for the purpose. Justice Manmohan said he wanted the Union cabinet secretary to head a panel comprising secretaries of environment, transport and petroleum ministries to hammer out a plan...
Cotton crop loss: No compensation policy yet for farm labourers -Navrajdeep Singh
-Hindustan Times Bathinda: A month after Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal ordered the framing of a policy to compensate farm labourers for cotton crop loss due to the whitefly attack, the state government is yet to identify labourers for the purpose. The government had in October announced compensation of Rs 64 crore for labourers, mainly cotton pickers. Badal had also asked the revenue department to come out with a viable policy for...
More »NCERT to publish tactile books for visually challenged -Anuradha Raman
-The Hindu Tactile books with maps and diagrams for visually challenged students will become a reality soon with the National Council of Educational Research and Training introducing them in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. So far, books in Braille had no maps and diagrams. The NCERT is seeking suggestions from the States before it can start the process. “The exercise calls for a special training for teachers, but we...
More »Farmers’ choice of paddy variety delays wheat sowing -Anshu Seth
-Hindustan Times Ludhiana: Farmers’ decision to go for paddy variety PUSA 44 this year, contrary to the advisory of agricultural experts, has led to delayed sowing of wheat across Punjab. Farmers opted for PUSA 44, which takes 160 days to mature, instead of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-recommended varieties PR 121, 122, 123 and 124, which take 140-145 days to mature. PUSA 44 was preferred by them due to its higher...
More »Time to abolish criminal defamation
-The Hindu The observation by the Supreme Court that political leaders should not take criticism as a personal insult highlights a particular kind of intolerance that is rarely referred to in the ongoing debate on the subject: the inability of public figures to tolerate criticism and their repeated resort to criminal defamation proceedings to stifle adverse comment. Nothing exemplifies this as much as the 100-odd prosecutions launched by the government of...
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