The only difference is in revenue loss, which the investigating agency CBI put at Rs.30,984 crore The Central Bureau of Investigation's first charge sheet in the 2G spectrum allocation scam is almost identical to what the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (CAG) said, except for the figure of revenue loss, which the CBI has put at Rs.30,984 crore. The CBI agrees with the CAG audit findings that the former Telecom Minister, A....
Parties ask UP Govt to consider wheat export by Arvind Singh Bisht
With wheat production expected to touch a new high during the ongoing Rabi season, a demand for its export has gained ground in UP. The export, is seen as the only way to help ease the problem of plenty and also to ensure remunerative prices to farmers. Incidentally, India's overall wheat production is also estimated to go up substantially. This comes at a time, when there is a global slump with...
More »A lawyer-turned-farmer's inspiring story
He dreamt of becoming a successful lawyer. Hailing from Jalgoan, it isn't surprising that his career was destined to be elsewhere. Today, 40-year old Hemchandra Dagaji Patil has no regrets. "The black coat beckoned me. I used to imagine myself in court rooms but finally my father persuaded me to stay back in the village as there was a drop in crop yield and there was no one to look after the...
More »Higher MSP for cotton, sunflower soon by Anindita Dey
The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices may recommend higher prices in its report. The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) may recommend higher minimum support price (MSP) for cotton and sunflower in its report. “Cost of production for most crops have gone up by 10-30 per cent over the last year, due to higher inputs costs like labour and fodder. Cotton has fetched higher market prices compared to its MSP...
More »Towards a TB-free India by Ramya Kannan
Tuberculosis continues to be a major health problem in India. But the unveiling of a new test to diagnose TB and drug resistance on World Tuberculosis Day (March 24) brings some hope into a bleak scenario. Last Thursday, on World Tuberculosis Day, for the first time since the 1880s there was probably some justifiable cause for jubilation. After centuries of grappling with sputum smear microscopy, developed way back in the 1880s,...
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