-The Hindu The Karnataka High Court-appointed committee on malnutrition among children will submit a report to Chief Justice Vikramjit Sen by June 15, committee chairman N. K Patil has said. The eight-member panel visited Bidar on Monday and held discussions with officials. “Officials tell us that there are 68,000 malnourished children in the district. However, NGOs tell us the number is not less than 71,000. We have instructed the District health officer to...
Forced into abortion 6 times, woman turns whistleblower-Parth Shastri
AHMEDABAD: She was forced to go for abortion not once but six times by her in-laws as they were obsessed for a male heir. Today she has used RTI to rescue several women who go through this ordeal many times in their lives. Amisha Bhatt, 36, from Vastrapur has exposed errant sonography clinics, how despite laws like Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act and measures to prevent sex determination...
More »Maharashtra wakes up to growing urban malnutrition-Meena Menon
Rising trends in malnutrition among children under six here and in other cities have prompted the Maharashtra government to introduce an Urban Malnutrition Mission from next month, official sources said. A quarter of children below six years in the city weighed at anganwadis are underweight, according to the latest monthly progress report (MPR) of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). Non-governmental organisations point to a severe crisis of primary health...
More »The trouble with junk food-Sunita Narain
-The Business Standard It is not in the interest of food companies to advertise what their products contain, but it is in our interest to know Junk food is junk by its very definition. But how bad is it and what is it that companies do not tell people about this food? This is what the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) laboratory checked. The results were both predictable and alarming....
More »Punjab's Bijlipur best village for girls-Kim Arora
BIJLIPUR (PUNJAB): For some time now, the village of Bijlipur has been attracting a slew of local news TV crews and even reporters from Canadian radio stations. The village has something that most of Punjab can't boast of: a sex ratio in favour of women. The state of Punjab along with Haryana is among the country's worst performers when it comes to sex ratio. The census 2011 figures record 893 females...
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