-The Hindu Tata Motors on Tuesday said it would take appropriate steps after studying the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011, which pertains to the plot leased by the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC) to the company and its vendors. The Bill was passed by the Assembly by voice vote amid Opposition walkout earlier in the day. Tata Motors said it was an immensely painful decision for it to pull...
Tatas cite bill omissions
-The Telegraph Tata Motors has said the Singur land-return bill does not state the reasons for the transfer of the Nano plant, breaking its silence to portray a vivid description of the agitation that preceded its pullout without mentioning either Mamata Banerjee or her party. The Tatas added that “appropriate steps” would be taken after studying the bill that mentions Tata Motors “abandoned” the project. The bill was passed in the...
More »Will the govt amend the RTE, ask experts
-Deccan Chronicle Even as the Right to Education (RTE) Act is yet to be implemented in schools, and the details are being endlessly debated, experts are now wondering whether the government intends to amend the RTE. Legal experts perceive a change in the way this free and compulsory education for all legislation is mandated. There is pressure on the Ministry of Human Resource Development as well several petitions lined up...
More »When some are less than equal by Rukmini Shrinivasan
Whether it is in education, health or jobs, there are enormous differences in outcomes in modern India, so much so that it often seems like two countries exist within one. Economic opportunities have undoubtedly expanded for a section of India's population, but there are serious obstacles in the path of many. Nobel laureate and development economist Amartya Sen has written about the 'conversion handicap' which, quite separately from an 'earnings...
More »The coming crisis for rain-dependent India by M Rajshekhar
It's that time of the year when Kishore Lal Singh's eyes almost involuntarily scan the skies. The monsoons are coming. In the months ahead, for this Bhil farmer growing cotton, maize and soya south of the Malwa plateau in Madhya Pradesh, life will again hang on a knife's edge. If it rains well, his two bighas (about four basketball courts) of cotton will yield 1,000 kg. If not, he will...
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