The Karnataka government has made it clear that the ball is in the Centre's court to ensure implementation of Right to Education (RTE). At a conference on RTE organized by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Centre for Educational and Social Studies (CESS) on Tuesday, primary and secondary education minister Visweshwara Hegde Kageri said: "Unless the Centre releases its share of funds, it will be difficult to implement RTE." The government has received 1,700...
Former manual scavengers demand apology from government by Vidya Subrahmaniam
They narrate their accounts of pain and humiliation “We will never again go back to that life of shame and indignity” Provide quota for community in higher education: Aruna Roy The capital's Constitution Club resounded on Monday to cries of “Jai Bhim” as a huge gathering of former manual scavengers rose as one to demand an apology from the government for the wrongs done to the community. “Apologise now for the violation of...
More »NGO conducts social audit
With the aim of bringing transparency in work, Jan Mitra Nyas, a trust constituted by the NGO People’s Vigilance Committee for Human Rights (PVCHR), organised its social audit at a hotel in Jagatganj area in Varanasi on Wednesday. The trust presented all its balance sheets, account bill vouchers and progress reports, before the people from areas where the trust’s projects are being run, including both representatives of these programmes and...
More »Unique identification numbers soon for school kids
All school children across the country will soon have unique identification numbers (UID) which will help in tracking their movement in educational institutions and academic records. This follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Union Human Resource Development Ministry and the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) here on Wednesday. The system will help in tracking students' mobility by creating an electronic registry, right from the primary level through...
More »Promoting Right to Education among priorities for new UN independent expert
The United Nations independent expert on the Right to Education today outlined his priorities, promising to pay attention to gender equality in education, look into quality with a special focus on improving conditions for teachers, and explore innovative education financing mechanisms. Kishore Singh, who was appointed as UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education by the UN Human Rights Council in June, said he would also look into ways of...
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