-The Hindustan Times Lokayukta sleuths raided the residence of a Class IV employee of the Ujjain Municipal Corporation on Wednesday and found documents showing assets worth Rs 4.5 crore. According to the documents Narendra Deshmukh, a 53-year-old peon-cum-storekeeper, owns two houses, a poultry farm, a chicken shop, five acres of land in Maharashtra’s Jalgaon district, partnership in a 10-room hotel in Mumbai, two sport utility vehicles (SUVs) worth more than Rs 16...
Andhra to pay compensation to victims of police torture by Ashok Das
In possibly the first instance of its kind in the country, the Andhra Pradesh government has decided to compensate 70 victims of police violence following the May 2007 Mecca Masjid blast. The men had been falsely implicated in the case and tortured in custody. The 20 men who were the worst affected would get Rs 3 lakh each, the rest Rs 20,000 each. The announcement of the Rs 70 lakh compensation was...
More »NREGA's new avatar: Work later, take home Cash now by Devika Banerji
The government is likely to allow advance part payment of wages in a bid to restore faith of beneficiaries in its flagship rural jobs scheme. The proposal is part of a slew of measures to address mounting criticism of the centrally-funded Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) which is beset by administrative logjam and charges of leakages. The rural development ministry has asked states to initiate a monthlong pilot...
More »NREGA Wage Payment to Be Videographed: Ramesh
-PTI In a bid to check corruption in payment of MGNREGA wages, the government plans to introduce videography during the process, Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh said here today. "Videography will be used in the presence of officials while giving wages to the MGNREGA beneficiaries from now to ensure proper and timely payment," Ramesh said. Recalling how corruption in the social audit of MGNREGA had claimed Niyamat Ansari, who exposed corruption by...
More »Jairam asks Jayalalithaa to make MGNREGA payments through banks by K Balchand
Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has urged Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to route Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) wage payments through bank accounts, doing away with the practice of Cash payment to workers. In a letter to Ms. Jayalalithaa, he said Tamil Nadu could become a trend-setter in seamless transfer of funds through bank and postal accounts of workers and thereby deepen financial inclusion in the...
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