-The Economic Times A high court on Thursday directed the protesting employees of Maruti Suzuki's Manesar plants to leave the factory premises but refused to declare the strike illegal. The order of the Punjab and Haryana High Court follows a petition filed by the country's largest carmaker whose Manesar plants have been seized by striking workers after weeks of unrest. The court said no protest activity could take place within 100...
Labour, supply issues halt production at Maruti Suzuki
-IANS Production at automobile giant Maruti Suzuki's Gurgaon plant came to a halt Friday due to lack of components supply following labour unrest at the company's other plants, including the Manesar facility. 'Production has been stopped at the Gurgaon plant due to lack of component supply. Production at Manesar plant and component supply units remained closed due to the strike,' a senior company official told IANS. According to the official, the company on...
More »Strike at Maruti's Manesar unit enters sixth day
-PTI The ongoing strike at Maruti Suzuki's Manesar plant entered its sixth day today, with no production taking place at the unit, as workers continue to demand that the management take back all suspended and casual employees. The strike by workers at Suzuki Powertrain India Ltd (SPIL) and Suzuki Motorcycle India Pvt Ltd (SMIPL) in support of their colleagues at Maruti Suzuki India's (MSI) Manesar plant has worsened the situation. "The plant is...
More »Maruti sacks 15 workers, suspends 10 others
-PTI For violating the agreement signed by the workers with the company management on Oct. 1 Cracking the whip, Maruti Suzuki India on Sunday dismissed 10 workers, terminated five trainees and suspended 10 employees in connection “with the strike and violence at the Manesar factory premises”. In a statement, the company said the strike by the workers and the violence thereafter violated the agreement signed by the workers with the company management...
More »Labour dispute at Maruti’s Manesar plant ends, finally by Tuhin Dutta
After a 33-day standoff between the workers at Maruti Suzuki India’s Manesar facility and the management, the company on Saturday said that a common ground has been reached and agitating workers would resume work on Monday. The stir finally ended on Saturday morning after a meeting between the agitating workers, government and the company management, where workers agreed to sign the ‘good conduct bond’ and a commitment that production would not...
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