-The Hindu The Delhi High Court order striking down the Begging Act heeds the Constitution’s transformative nature In 1871, the colonial regime passed the notorious Criminal Tribes Act. This law was based upon the racist British belief that in India there were entire groups and communities that were criminal by birth, nature, and occupation. The Act unleashed a reign of terror, with its systems of surveillance, police reporting, the sepaRATion of families,...
If India Produces More Foodgrains Than It Needs, Why Are People Still Starving? -Aditi Goyal
-TheWire.in It is set law that procedures cannot impact vested substantive rights – and the right to life and correspondingly, food, is the most substantive of all rights. “After a prolonged decline, world hunger appears to be on the rise again”, claims a report titled ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (2017)’ by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN. Nowhere is this more true than in...
More »Modi govt's ad spend could feed 46 million children mid-day meal for a year -Shreya Raman
-Business Standard/ India Spend The BJP-led government spent Rs 4,880 crore ($753.99 million) on advertising its flagship schemes in the 52 months between April 2014 and July 2018 Mumbai: Midday meals for 45.7 million children for a year. One day’s wages for 200 million workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS). About 6 million new latrines. And at least 10 more Mars missions. These were some of the things...
More »India ageing faster than we thought, shows data -Sushmi Dey
-The Time of India NEW DELHI: India is greying faster than previously projected, even though it fares better than other Saarc countries and China. The government has disclosed that the number of people above 60 will rise to around 340 million by 2050. The number, revealed by junior minister for health Anupriya Patel in the Lok Sabha, is higher than projections made by the United Nations (UN) and other agencies, which also...
More »237 tigers die in 2 years
-The Telegraph New Delhi: As many as 237 tigers died in the past two years and 23 per cent of the deaths between 2012 and 2017 were caused by poaching, the government said on Friday. However, the government asserted that unnatural deaths "have not had an impact on tiger numbers, which are growing at the RATe of 5.8 per cent per annum". "In 2016, 122 tigers died across the country while 115 died...
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