-The Hindu When a senior Delhi Police officer was recently asked to disclose the reasons for so many rape victims turning hostile, he silently pointed towards a bundle of papers lying on the side table delivered to him through dak. These were court documents pertaining to rape cases that had been recently disposed of and in almost all of them the judge had remarked that the prosecutrix had turned hostile and the...
Women suffer as laws, circumstances stack up against them -Bindu Shajan Perappadan
-The Hindu Suha came to Delhi as an 18-year-old nanny-cum-domestic help to a middle class household in Janakpuri. The going seemed fine enough -- her employers paid her full wages, did not force her to do overtime and even gave her an occasional holiday. The dream run got murky with the neighbour’s 20-something-year-old son “discovering” Suha. He would use every opportunity to harass and molest the young girl. One dreadful day...
More »Sensitivity, not gender, is vital really -Devesh K Pandey
-The Hindu The approval for large-scale induction of women personnel into the Delhi Police is being described by many as a knee-jerk reaction to the public outrage over the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student last month. However, whether the move would make any significant change depends entirely on the degree of sensitivity shown by all the stakeholders and efficient handling of Police investigations into crimes against women, particularly rape...
More »Top surrendered Naxal says govt plan of development with crackdown working -Vivek Deshpande
-The Indian Express Gadchiroli: A top Naxal leader who surrendered recently has said that the government’s twin strategy of security with development has begun to hurt the Maoists, leaving the morale of their cadre affected. “The senior leadership of the party (CPI Maoist) is worried over setbacks due to Operation Greenhunt and the various developmental works undertaken by the government in remote areas of districts like Gadchiroli,” Badarpu Mallaiyya alias Shekhar, the...
More »Delhi: 1,786 People Killed in Road Accidents in 2012
-Outlook Delhi witnessed over 1,700 fatal road accidents in last year, a 13.26 per cent decrease from that of 2011, while strict enforcement saw maximum number of prosecution in drunken driving cases. Delhi Traffic Police said the number of people killed on Delhi roads has done down significantly with the number hitting an all-time low of 1,786 in 2012. Last year, the number of fatal accidents reported were 2047. The decrease is despite...
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