-The Hindu Salem (Tamil Nadu): A total of 460 eggs were supplied every day to the students; on Monday and Tuesday all the 460 eggs were found rotten and disposed of. As many as 920 eggs that were supplied to the noon-meal centre at the Government Higher Secondary School in Siruvachur in Thalaivasal block here were found rotten after boiling and were disposed of on the School premises on Monday and Tuesday. A...
Karnataka has highest dropout rate among Muslim students -Manu Aiyappa
-The Times of India BANGALORE: Karnataka, often called a "progressive state", has the highest dropout rate among Muslim students. On an average, 50,000 students from the community dropout of School each year, a majority of them at the high School level, according to a survey done by the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). The average dropout rate is 6.2% compared to the national average of less than 5%. "The statistics show a worrisome trend,"...
More »Take child’s play seriously
-The Hindu After a long and painful period of neglect, India promises to devote attention to the issue of preparing all children for primary Schooling. The draft National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) policy aims to end the "current laissez faire situation" that has led to the mushrooming of expensive crèches, play Schools, nursery Schools and so on that adhere to no particular standard. On the other hand, there is...
More »Midday meals face funds hurdle -Akshaya Mukul
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: UPA is going to town for having delivered on its promise of food security. But, come December and this promise would fall flat as many government Schools are likely to go without midday meal (MDM). The reason: the food ministry's new missive to the HRD ministry that like other food schemes, MDM would also have to make pre-payment before lifting foodgrains from Food Corporation of India...
More »WHO’s to blame? -Kundan Pandey
-Down to Earth This defies logic. Despite rapid economic growth, India has often been placed below sub-Saharan African countries that have very high number of malnourished children. But the government has no data to clarify its position. In the first week of September, Parliament’s Committee on Estimates criticised the government, saying: “The committee is surprised to note that in the modern era of Information and Technology, there is no recent official...
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