Barring a brief tiff with media persons near the sit-in site in Bharatpur, situation during the ongoing Gujjar agitation in Rajasthan remained under control, police said on Thursday. There is no report of protest or further blockade from anywhere in the state, even as Gujjars continued to squat on the Delhi-Mumbai rail tracks on the fourth consecutive day demanding five per cent reservation, they said. Vehicular traffic is plying normally...
Dantewada: scribes receive threats by Aman Sethi
Last month, a group calling itself the “Maa Danteshwari Swabhimani Adivasi Manch” circulated a pamphlet in Dantewada district, threatening to kill anyone perceived to be a supporter of the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist). The pamphlet accused Dantewada's oldest journalist N.R.K. PILlai, Anil Mishra, Chhattisgarh Correspondent for Tehelka, and Yashwant Yadav, District Secretary of the Chhattisgarh Working Journalists' Union, of working for the Maoists and threatened them with dire circumstances. The...
More »Maharashtra moots PDS at the door-step by Rahul Wadke
Large queues outside the ration shop across Maharashtra could become a thing of the past, if the State Government manages to implement a new scheme for distributing foodgrains in the vicinity of people's houses. Under the scheme, the two-and-a-half crore ration card holders registered under the Public Distribution System (PDS) in the State, instead of getting a monthly quota of grains from the ration shop, will get three, six or 12...
More »PIL filed against new admission rules
A Public Interest Litigation was filed in the Delhi High Court on Monday seeking quashing of the nursery admission guidelines framed by the Delhi Government. The PIL contends that the guidelines violate the Right to Education Act. The PIL was filed by a civil rights group Social Jurist. Challenging the government notification’s validity, its lawyer Ashok Agarwal said the move giving private schools a free hand to formulate their own admission criteria...
More »SC mandates quota for poor kids under RTE by Dhananjay Mahapatra
This order will bind all private unaided schools in Rajasthan, but it underlined the Supreme Court's anxiety towards implementation of Right To Education Act, 2009, which mandated schools to keep 25% of seats for socially and economically disadvantaged sections. Importantly, a Bench comprising Justices R V Raveendran and A K Patnaik also stayed the stipulation of weightage to parent's educational qualification for admissions into pre-primary and nursery classes. Though this is...
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