-The Times of India Suzuki chief Osamu Suzuki on Friday took a tough stand on the labour standoff at Maruti's Manesar plant, saying the company will not accept "any indiscipline". In his first reaction to the problems at Manesar, Suzuki told representatives of the company's recognised workers body that there will be "no compromise on discipline". "Indiscipline is not tolerated... not in Japan, not in India. It is never in the interest...
Anna and the labour strike at Maruti by TK Arun
You have the right to: Organize a union to negotiate with your employer concerning your wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Form, join or assist a union. Bargain collectively through representatives of employees' own choosing for a contract with your employer setting your wages, benefits, hours, and other working conditions. Discuss your terms and conditions of employment or union organizing with your co-workers or a union. Take action with...
More »Arvind Kejriwal, social activist and Team Anna member interviewed by Venkitesh Ramakrishnan
Interview with social activist and Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal. THE organisational abilities of Arvind Kejriwal exhibited during the recent Jan Lokpal Bill movement earned him the sobriquet “Field Marshal of a peaceful agitation”. The social activist and Ramon Magsaysay Award winner played a significant role in conceiving the slogans, the symbolism and the trajectory of the movement. He is credited with anticipating some of the moves of the government...
More »Haryana lifts ceiling on non-farm land by Dipak Kumar Dash
The Haryana assembly on Wednesday removed the limit on land ownership by a person or entity in case of non-agricultural land in urban and industrial zones. This comes after a recent Punjab and Haryana high court observation on "grave violations" of land ceiling laws by real estate companies, several of which own hundreds of acres of land. The assembly passed the Ceiling on Land Holdings (Amendment) Bill, 2011, which is...
More »Anna Hazare's campaign awakens middle class by Paul de Bendern
Mahesh Kundu paid 2,500 rupees for a driving licence, Rupam Bhatia 5,000 rupees to be admitted to hospital and Vishrant Chandra 6,000 rupees for a marriage certificate. These are the commonplace bribery stories experienced by middle-class Indians who have poured into the streets to say "enough is enough". Corruption in India is as old as the Ramayana, when the evil demon Ravana bribed a guardian of hell to avoid punishment in...
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