-Newsclick.in The SC has issued notice to the Centre over public authorities failing to disclose information under the central RTI Act, which applies to the region since 2019. Despite the rhetorical emphasis on e-governance, public authorities have failed to make suo moto information disclosures on their official websites in Jammu and Kashmir and other parts of the country. In 2013, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) directed all public authorities to...
Aruna Roy, social activist and founder of the MKSS. interviewed by Sneha Philip and Smarinita Shetty (IDR)
-IDROnline.org/ TheWire.in "The problem with Indian democracy is that despite the presence of millions of voters, the pool of decision makers get smaller and narrower at the top." Aruna Roy is a social activist and founder of the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS). Her work and leadership led to the enactment of the Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005—a landmark act that empowers citizens to demand transparency and accountability from government institutions....
More »National Coalition on the Education Emergency releases Policy Trackers on State Education Finances and School Opening Status
--Press release by the National Coalition on the Education Emergency (NCEE) dated January 29, 2022 An education emergency of unprecedented proportions has severely impacted hundreds of millions of children in India. Prolonged school closures have caused learning deprivation, student dropout, increased child labour, malnutrition, and early marriages that are compromising the future of our country. It is time to open schools and massively increase funding of public education with a clear focus...
More »Explained: Labour Codes, its Phased Introduction, and Upcoming General Strike -Ronak Chhabra
-Newsclick.in The latest discussion over the Codes, if true, clearly indicates a crucial shift in the position of the central government. What does this shift mean for trade unions, which have given a call for two-day nationwide strike on February 23 and 24. New Delhi: On Wednesday, a major Indian business newspaper reported that the Union Ministry of Labour and Employment was considering introducing the four controversial Labour Codes in a staggered...
More »1,750 Indians died due to extreme weather events in 2021, says new IMD report
In the month of January this year, more than 100 homeless persons died (please click here and here to access) in Delhi-NCR due to cold wave like conditions. Although a Delhi-based non-government organisation (NGO) Centre for Holistic Development (CHD) made that claim, and therefore asked the Chief Minister of Delhi to make proper arrangements for the homeless poor during winters, the officials of the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB)...
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