In a new year bonanza, about 5.92 lakh government school students in Karnataka would get a cash dole of Rs 2,250 each for purchase of bicycles during 2010-11 academic year under a welfare scheme. Citing its own delay in finalising the process of issue of tenders for procuring the bicycles under the two-year old scheme, the state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa today decided to extend Rs 2,250...
Flat since 1991 by Manish Sabharwal
The only economic or social variable that has not moved since 1991 in India is our 93% informal employment in the informal sector. So, while we have smartly and substantially moved the needle on everything from foreign exchange reserves, infant mortality, school enrolment, market capitalisation, foreign investment, and pregnancy deaths, 9 out of 10 of our workers do not work in organised employment. Informal employment—what President Alan Garcia of Peru...
More »Law dept examines draft RTE rules
The directorate of education (DoE) has already framed the draft rules for the implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, in Goa and has forwarded the rules to the state government for its vetting by the law department. Sources in the DoE said that the draft rules, once finalized, will then be forwarded to the state government for its approval and for the...
More »Vitamin A Doses Keep Child Malnutrition Away by Sujoy Dhar
With three small children to raise in a dirt-poor village in eastern India’s Bihar state, farm labourer Renu Devi is an unsung rural supermom who shuttles between home and field every day. But the demure 30-year-old mother does not forget to bring her children to the biannual Vitamin A rounds in Bagwanpur Rati, one of the villages in Vaishali district of Bihar. This is because Vitamin A deficiency is a major...
More »Panel proposes code of ethics for teachers and a monitor too by Anubhuti Vishnoi
Like doctors and lawyers, teachers may soon be subject to a “code of professional ethics”, which includes clauses for disciplinary action over corporal punishment, private tuitions and other “anti-community” activities. If accepted by the government, the proposed code would apply to school teachers across the country, from primary to secondary and senior secondary levels, and across government as well as private schools, with the aim of restoring “dignity and integrity” to...
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