Former chief justice of India KG Balakrishnan on Friday said the Right To Information (RTI) Act "was grossly misused" and needed amending to prevent the misuse. "It is time for introspection on the five-year-old RTI Act. It is grossly misused. Most of the applicants are applying the RTI not for public good, but for misuse," Balakrishnan said at a seminar on "RTI-Key to good governance", organised by the Institute of Secretariat...
No tribal min role in Posco case? by Nitin Sethi
The Posco tale got another twist on Thursday with the environment ministry's forest advisory committee deciding to rethink whether it should ask the ministry of tribal affairs to verify the violations of Forest Rights Act or it should do so itself. In a meeting held on October 25, the FAC had concluded that it would recommend that the tribal affairs ministry take a final call on whether the Orissa government had...
More »Six information officers fined for delaying RTI reply by Ashutosh Shukla
City-based Right to Information Activist (RTI) Shailesh Gandhi, in his capacity as a central information commissioner, recently passed a landmark order under the RTI Act. In an order dated October 22, he fined six public information officers (PIOs) of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) Rs25,000 each, the highest penalty amount allowed under the Act. The total fine comes to Rs1.5 lakh, which is the highest penalty levied for a single...
More »Private schools object to RTE provisions
Society for Unaided Private Schools of Rajasthan proposed amendment of various provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 on Monday. The society submitted its objection to the drafted rules to the commissioner of Rajasthan Parambhik Shiksha Parishad at Shiksha Sankul. It said private schools should not be given additional responsibility for providing free text books to the children of reserved category. The society also opposed Part...
More »Cut-Rate Democracy by Pranjoy Guha Thakurta
Two years ago, when I told some of my more cynical fellow-tribals from the journalistic fraternity that I was about to complete a textbook on media ethics, they smirked. Media ethics? That’s an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, they said glibly. What became apparent to me then was that the image of the journalist in India has taken quite a battering. There are many among the aam admi who still...
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