-CaravanMagazine.in India’s birth and Death registrations compromised, fake entries corrupt official database for Rs 200 The digital database of the Civil Registration System, or CRS, of India, the most comprehensive records of the Indian population that includes district-wise birth-and death-registration certificates, has been compromised for the last two years at least. A four-month long investigation by The Caravan revealed that the official login IDs of a large number of registrars across India,...
Excess deaths in West Bengal 11 times official COVID-19 tally -Srinivasan Ramani
-The Hindu Difference seen in both first and second wave. The number of “excess deaths” registered by the Civil Registration System (CRS) in West Bengal ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit (from April 2020 to May 2021), was an estimated 1,20,227, which is 11.1 times the official reported figure of 10,787 deaths for the same period. Five districts — Darjeeling, Jhargram, Kalimpong, North 24 Parganas and Paschim Medinipur — were not considered for...
More »Several Studies Using Diverse Methods Point to Undercounting of COVID-19 Deaths, Govt in Denial -Richa Chintan
-Newsclick.in/ Leaflet.in According to the recent estimates, the actual number of deaths in India due to COVID-19 could be in the range of 2.2 million to 4.9 million. Going by this, the actual number of deaths could be more than the officially reported deaths by a factor ranging from five to 11 times! CORPES floating in the Ganges, long queues outside crematoriums, the crematoriums working overtime with several pyres burning simultaneously within...
More »Himachal Pradesh ‘excess deaths’ twice the official COVID-19 toll -Srinivasan Ramani
-The Hindu State registers the lowest undercount factor in north India The number of “excess deaths” registered by the Civil Registration System (CRS) in Himachal Pradesh ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit (from April 2020 to May 2021) was 6,081, which is 1.9 times the official reported figure of 3,127 COVID-19 deaths for the same period. This multiple is among the lowest for States for which excess deaths have been calculated. Interestingly, while...
More »‘Excess deaths’ in Haryana seven times official COVID-19 toll -Srinivasan Ramani
-The Hindu The undercount factor was moderate compared with States such as Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh The number of “excess deaths” registered by the Civil Registration System (CRS) in Haryana ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit (from April 2020 to May 2021) was 60,397, which is 7.3 times the official reported figure of 8,303 COVID-19 deaths for the same period. This high number was largely due to the deaths registered in April...
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