-The Hindu They will be housed in State child care centres, says Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Patna: The Bihar government on Sunday said it would provide Rs.1,500 each month to those children who have lost their parents to COVID-19 in the State. The children will get the Financial Assistance till the age of 18 and will be housed in State child care centres. “Those children who have lost their both parents or, at...
Labour Ministry’s Helpline Numbers for Migrants: ‘A Patchy Afterthought’
-Newsclick.in The Stranded Workers Action Network (SWAN) said that its volunteers called 80 officers from across the 20 zones and enquired about the assistance being provided to migrant workers. The Union Labour Ministry’s helpline numbers for migrant workers are more of a “post office”, a group of researchers from the Stranded Workers Action Network (SWAN) said on Monday, May 24, thus concluding that lessons from last year have not been learnt by...
More »UP: Over 1600 Teachers Died of COVID-19 After Poll Duty for Panchayat Elections -Manoj Singh
-TheWire.in The Uttar Pradesh Primary Teachers’ Association has sent a list of the victims to the chief minister and put forth demands including Financial Assistance to family members of the teachers who have died. Gorakhpur: At least 1621 teachers and support staff have so far died from COVID-19 following poll duty during the recently concluded Uttar Pradesh panchayat elections, according to information provided by the Uttar Pradesh Primary Teachers’ Association on May...
More »India learns a bitter lesson for disregarding crucial warnings and recommendations on Covid-19
In the month of April this year, there has been an unprecedented upsurge in daily new cases and daily new deaths in the country due to Covid-19. States, which reported large increases in daily new cases and daily new deaths, are Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, to name but a few. Data accessed from https://www.covid19india.org/, which is a crowdsourced platform and an independent aggregator of daily Covid-19 figures and...
More »Maternity entitlements are neglected in states like Jharkhand, M.P. and U.P., reveals JABS survey (2019)
The National Food Security Act 2013 guarantees maternity benefit to the tune of Rs. 6,000/- per child by the Central Government for pregnant women and lactating mothers, barring those who are already availing such benefits while being in regular employment with the Central Government or State Governments or Public Sector Undertakings or under other laws. The NFSA 2013 also legally guarantees free meals for every pregnant woman and lactating mother...
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