-The Hindu Business Line SHGs pave the road to financial independence in UP villages Three years ago, Simrikha Devi’s eightyear-old son made an unusual request. He asked for hundred rupees to buy biscuits,knowing well that his mother, a daily wager, would have to scrounge for the money. Although she was taken aback, Simrikha gave him the money. Her curiosity grew further when he returned with a bag of biscuit packets and began hawking...
Grit and a fistful of infested rice -Swapna Majumdar
-The Hindu Business Line How the women of Deoria challenged the public distribution system malpractices Women no longer have to return empty-handed from the fair price shops mandated to give rations under the government’s public distribution system in village Bandgunia in Uttar Pradesh. Not only is the full quota of rice, pulses and sugar given, the shopkeeper in this village in Gauri Bazar block of Deoria district also ensures the women are informed...
More »The goat ATMs of Badaun empower women -Usha Rai
-The Hindu Business Line In Uttar Pradesh, women find their calling in rearing small livestock The ten women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) or samoohs of Naithu village of Badaun, Uttar Pradesh are doing such good business in goat rearing that they call them their ATM cards. The 120 women of these samoohs were not affluent enough to buy buffaloes and cows despite the loans available, so they settled for rearing goats, paying Rs....
More »Additional days of work available under MGNREGS not taken up in drought hit states
Two back-to-back reports that shed light on the status of MGNREGA implementation in the country, have been released recently from the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD). A review of MGNREGA implementation in 8 different states of India by a team of experts during the month of May this year reveals that in many of the drought affected districts, the Gram Panchayats have no work to offer under the programme. (Please click...
More »Tribal women in forefront of the war against drought and water scarcity -Ajitha Menon
-Theweekendleader.com/ Women's Feature Service Purulia (West Bengal): It was ironical that Purulia district often found itself on the West Bengal government's 'drought-hit' list when the average rainfall here is 1100mm-1500mm. The failure to conserve water as well as poor agricultural practices meant that despite back-breaking labour in the fields, farmers could only achieve six months' food sufficiency. Today, however, all that is changing thanks to a water management revolution led by ordinary village...
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