-IndiaToday.in Farmers from some parts of Tamil Nadu threw their tomato harvest on the roadside after the price of the crop fell to rates as low as Rs 2 per kilogram. Dharmapuri: After the price of tomatoes plummeted to figures as low as Rs 2 per kilogram, farmers from some parts of Tamil Nadu threw their harvest on the roadside or allowed it to rot in the field. Three months ago, the price...
‘Development will eventually lead to environmental conflicts’ -Srijan Trivedi and Yashvi Churiwala
-Down to Earth With sustainable development goals in place, increasing democratisation and connectivity of the world, ecologisation of politics and vice-versa will become the new norm Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai wrote: In a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem so obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace. Decreasing resource base and the struggle for control and power leads to politicising ecological issues...
More »UP Elections: Amid Livelihood Crisis, Which Party Will Nishads Trust This Time ? -Abdul Alim Jafri
-Newsclick.in The Nishad community says their people are no more awarded with fishing and sand mining contracts, which is posing a major threat to their traditional livelihood. Sonbhadra: On April 3, 2020, when the nationwide lockdown was in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus, Anil Kumar Sahni, 26, had stepped out with his cycle cart to sell vegetables. As he reached the road passing through his hamlet, he was caught by...
More »The Ailing PM Fasal Bima Yojana Needs a Structural Redesign -Baikunth Roy and Satyendra Kumar
-TheWire.in Despite increasing allocated funds, the Union government has been unable to significantly improve penetration of crop insurance in terms of enrolled farmers and insured areas. India’s agriculture sector, which provides employment to more than 50% of the labour force and contributes about 17% of the gross domestic product, currently faces multiple challenges. Smaller land holdings, unfavourable climate changes events, dismal public and private investment, low monthly incomes, a high proportion of...
More »A cutback in PMFBY funding may further affect the timely release of compensation for crop failures
On February 18, 2016, India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. After its launch, the PMFBY was implemented by 21 states during kharif 2016, whereas in rabi 2016-17, 23 states and 2 UTs implemented the same. The Central Government launched the PMFBY in the kharif season of 2016 with the intention to help farmers cope with crop losses because of unseasonal and extreme weather....
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