-The Hindu Like 75-year-old Mano Devi, many villagers of Latehar in Jharkand have been running from pillar to post to get Aadhaar card Latehar: At 11 am, Mano Devi reached the Garu block centre, Latehar, in a basket slung from a bamboo stick, carried by two youths from village Doram, 25 km away. The young men, Bhojendra Singh and Mithu Singh, went straight to the pragya kendra (IT centre) but Mano Devi...
Biometric scanner, videography system to stem fake land deals-K Manikandan
-The Hindu Chennai: The launch of bio-metric scanner to obtain fingerprint impressions of people involved in land transactions and installation of cameras in sub-registrar offices has already speeded up the registration process. Officials of the Registration Department expect the initiatives to usher in transparency and eliminate fake land deals. The new initiatives were launched last November across the State as part of steps to boost e-governance. Unlike earlier when people had to...
More »Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation interviewed by Vidya Krishnan
-Live Mint Melinda Gates says India is closer than ever to the goal of eradicating poverty and improving access to health for all New Delhi: Philanthropist Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and one of the most influential women in the world, maintains that India is closer than ever to the goal of eradicating poverty and improving access to health for all. In their annual letter, published...
More »Now, farmers root for BJP: CSDS survey -Ragini Verma and Elizabeth Roche
-Live Mint About 30% of 5,350 farmer households surveyed said they would vote for the BJP New Delhi: A third of farming households, a key electoral constituency, are likely to vote for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the upcoming general election, says a survey conducted by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) for Bharat Krishak Samaj, a farmers' association. About 30% of 5,350 farmer households surveyed across 18...
More »‘SuperAmma’ drive alters handwashing behaviour in rural Andhra
Until recently it had been an enigma for health practitioners to understand why people do not wash their hands before dinner or after defecation despite knowing the health hazards or benefits associated with it. An experimental study conducted in 14 villages in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh shows that emotional campaigns can work wonders and decisively change behaviours. The study was conducted between May 24, 2011, and September 10, 2012...
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