The Central Bureau of Investigation arrested four persons from the Goaltore area of west bengal's Paschim Medinipur district late on Sunday for their alleged involvement in the killing of nine residents of Netai village in a firing incident on January 7. These are the first arrests made by the CBI after it took over the case from the State's Criminal Investigation Department on February 22 acting on a Calcutta High Court...
Full security for polling staff in Naxal-hit areas
The west bengal government will ensure full security to workers deputed for election duty in Paschim Medinipur, Bankura and Purulia, three districts affected by left-wing extremism (LWE). Chief Secretary Samar Ghosh told journalists here that the full force would be present. He said this in response to queries that people were refusing to go to the three districts for fear. The elections to the three districts, comprising 14 Assembly constituencies, will be...
More »“Farmer suicide is not the crisis, it is the outcome”
Sainath cautions west bengal that it is in a very fragile situation ‘Eastern India fares better in agrarian crisis compared to Western States' Warns against following practices of corporate-led agriculture Even though west bengal is one of the only three States in the country that has seen a decline in the rates of farmer suicides over the last 15 years, the situation in the State as in the rest of the country is...
More »Life as a 'human horse' in India's city of joy by Judy Swallow
The sight of a wiry, sweating man, straining as he pulls a rickshaw by hand is a frequent sight in Calcutta despite India's attempts to consign the practice to history. The gentle tinkling of its traditional bell sounds delightful amidst the cacophony of Calcutta traffic - with its ever increasing numbers of cars, taxis, lorries and motorbikes, all seeming to compete to blare their horns loudest and longest. But turn around and...
More »Drought effect: Asset creation gathers pace by Devika Banerji
There is a silver lining to the drought that hit India in 2009-10. Although it sapped the country's growth, it led to an almost doubling of physical assets created under the government's flagship rural employment scheme that year. The drought of 2009-10 was the worst that the country had faced in 17 years. As regular jobs in the farm sector dried up, more people sought work under the Mahatma Gandhi National...
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