The man, who on the eve of India’s independence deliberately opted to study Agriculture Science instead of Medicine, M S Swaminathan, on Tuesday said attracting young minds to farming is the essential for the revival of the sagging farm sector. The Father of Indian Green Revolution said that the challenge before the country is to get younger generation to the fields. This is important to continue the tradition of farming. The 84-year-old...
Cheerless outlook on crucial Goals
The conclusions of the United Nations summit on the world's progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) present a gloomy picture. Some Goals such as universal primary education, reducing child mortality, and improving maternal health are unlikely to be reached by the 2015 deadline. The world may be on track to meet the target of halving the number of people living under $1 a day, but the numbers suffering from...
More »Global targets, local ingenuity
In ten years, the living conditions of the poor have been improving—but not necessarily because of the UN’s Goals EVEN at 70, Jiyem, an Indonesian grandmother, gets up in the small hours to cook and collect firewood for her impoverished household. Her three-year-old grandson is malnourished. Nobody in her family has ever finished primary school. Her ramshackle house lacks electricity; the toilet is a hole in the ground; the family...
More »'Pollination crisis' hitting India's vegetable farmers by Mark Kinver
A decline in pollinating insects in India is resulting in reduced vegetable yields and could limit people's access to a nutritional diet, a study warns. Indian researchers said there was a "clear indication" that pollinator abundance was linked to productivity. They added that the loss of the natural service could have a long-term impact on the farming sector, which accounts for almost a fifth of the nation's GDP. Globally, pollination is estimated to...
More »The conditional safety net by Narayan Ramachandran
Latin America, the poster child of bad economic policy in the 1980s and early 1990s, is leading the way in one rapidly evolving area of social development: conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes. These schemes provide cash payments to poor households that meet certain behavioural requirements, generally related to children’s healthcare and education. The idea here is to support minimal levels of consumption through income transfers, while encouraging long-term human development. The...
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