Projecting an 8.5 per cent economic growth for the current fiscal, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday conceded that rising prices had brought distress to the common man, but exuded confidence that the “corrective” efforts of the Centre and the States would bring down inflation to about five or six per cent by the end of December this year. At a press conference here to mark the completion of the UPA-II...
CAG wins UN food programme audit bid
The country's premier auditor, Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), has won the prestigious bid to audit the United Nations World Food Programme. The audit is awarded for a period of six years. The CAG is considered among the best six official auditors in the world, ranked only after Canada, US, UK and France. The food programme was last audited by France. In the final bid process, India beat Philippines and...
More »Amnesty asks Orissa to stop excessive use of police force against Adivasis by J Venkatesan
Says India is obliged under international law to protect right to life Wants impartial inquiry into reports of excessive use of force by police ‘Force must be used in accordance with international standards' Amnesty International (AI) has urged the authorities in Orissa to halt immediately unnecessary and excessive use of force by police and private civil militias on Adivasi (indigenous communities) and peasants protesting against the acquisition of their lands and habitats...
More »India embroiled in bitterly contested GM debate by Chris Morris
In the cotton fields of Vidarbha in central India, grief is a constant companion. Wherever you turn, there are heart-breaking stories of suicide. In the village of Mangi, friends and family are preparing the body of Laxman Tekam for burial. Women are wailing and men have tears streaming down their cheeks. Laxman was a cotton farmer who hanged himself from the roof beam of his small house after his debts...
More »Cabinet nod to UID rollout; 10 fingerprints, iris to prove identity
All 10 fingerprints, an iris scan and a photograph of the person will be used for unique identification (UID) of individuals, the cabinet committee on UID decided on Tuesday, giving its in-principle clearance to guidelines for setting up the UID database. In a billion-plus population, a mix of biometric and photographic record is considered necessary to ensure fidelity of information collected in the project. With UID intended to help identify...
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