Recently, Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai wrote to the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department, expressing concern at alleged atrocities committed on tribals. While top officials of the Forest Department have rejected the “allegations” as baseless and ill-informed, a recent case in the Barwani district justifies Mr. Pillai's concerns. When Valsingh Sastia, an Adivasi, decided to repair the roof of his house before the monsoon, he had little idea that it would land him...
Justice and the Adivasi by Ramachandra Guha
In the summer of 2006, I travelled with a group of scholars and writers through the district of Dantewada, then (as now) the epicentre of the conflict between the Indian State and Maoist rebels. Writing about my experiences in a four-part series published in The Telegraph, I predicted that the conflict would intensify, because the Maoists would not give up their commitment to armed struggle, while the government would not...
More »Manmohan to preside over meeting of Naxal-affected States today by Vinay Kumar
Chidambaram to explain Centre's plan to deal with Maoist activities in a holistic manner Meet to iron out problems in coordination among States To discuss plan to redeploy paramilitary forces Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will preside over a meeting of Chief Ministers of Naxal-affected States here on Wednesday. Chief Ministers of Orissa, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar will attend the day-long meeting, which will discuss a fresh strategy to fight the...
More »Villagers on the run as police hunt for Maoists by Raktima Bose
One year after anti-Maoist operations began in this district, it is a story of mixed success. While normal life has been restored, with offices, shops and schools having re-opened, vehicles back on the roads and farmers back in the fields, an eerie calm prevails. Villagers still complain of late-night gunfights and sudden police raids keeping them up through most nights. They are haunted by fears of discovering a bullet-riddled body...
More »Delhi's flood of deaths that don't matter by Samar Halarnkar and Jatin Anand
The people who uncovered the fact liken it to "encountering a mass grave of people who do not matter" in India's seat of power: At least 10 homeless people are dying on the streets of Delhi every day, the rate peaking as the summer rolls on. After a six-month examination of official records at crematoria, Police stations and graveyards across India's richest city, Smita Jacob and Asghar Sharif, analysts with an...
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