-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Lok Sabha polls are not only under the watch of the Election Commission and financial agencies for corrupt practices, but also under the scanner of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). For the first time, the agency, under instructions from the home ministry, will collect data on poll-related offences such as liquor/money distribution, communal or hate speeches, false affidavits by politicians, poll violence, bogus voting and...
'Paro', women sold into slavery and treated as cattle -Danish Raza
-The Hindustan Times Rubina appears much older than the 40 years she admits to. She does not look you in the eye; she is hardly audible, and often trembles. Her hut, on the outskirts of Guhana village in Haryana's Mewat district, is surrounded by garbage heaps and excreta. There is no water or electricity and the hut is filled with acrid smoke from the cooking fire. "This is how our stories...
More »Education institutions need law to address violence against women -Priya M Menon
-The Times of India CHENNAI: The rape of a 20-year-old student of Amrita University by her college mates more than a week ago has raised questions about the manner in which the university has handled the issue. Educationists and lawyers say that educational institutions need to report such criminal offences to the police and offer support to the survivor. The student was allegedly raped on February 23 by twin brothers Akhil and...
More »The eyes on the street-Sanjeev Sanyal
-The Business Standard Crimes against women are rising due to poor urban design and governance Urban crimes, particularly those directed at women, have been a cause of growing outrage in India over the last couple of years. Given the frequency and nature of some of these crimes, the outrage is entirely justified. But why are we witnessing such a sharp increase in crimes against women? Self-styled social activists and intellectuals love...
More »‘3.3% of women in South Asia face non-partner sexual violence’ -Rukmini S
-The Hindu Just over 7% of women globally and 3% in South Asia have experienced sexual violence at the hands of a non-partner, a new global study finds. Both globally and in South Asia alone, rape by an intimate partner or member of the household is far more common than that by a stranger, the researchers found. In a study published in the medical journal, The Lancet, and released early Wednesday morning,...
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