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Ignore Rural Anger at Your Own Peril -V Rajagopal The Gujarat election results are a wake-up call for the key political parties, as they gear up to draw strategies for the ensuing elections to three states. The years 2018 and 2019 are going to be hectic with elections scheduled for some state assemblies and to  parliament. The issues that confront the citizens are many, ranging from financial to livelihood, farm operations to health and education to rural development. The performance...

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Problem of plenty: on devising a sound agricultural policy

-The Hindu Agricultural policy should look to address the problem of severe price fluctuations There appears to be no end in sight to the cycle of boom and bust in the prices of agricultural goods. Over the last few weeks, across India the price of potatoes has fallen sharply after a year of bumper production. With the price of a kilogram of potato dropping as low as under a rupee in certain...

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Every year, farmers lose Rs 63,000 crore for not being able to sell their produce -Richard Mahapatra and Kiran Pandey

-Down to Earth That explains why agrarian riots have increased by over 600 per cent in the last three years Whenever agriculture makes headlines, ironically, they hide more stories of distress. For sixth consecutive year, horticulture (fruits and vegetables) production has outstripped food grain production. Apparently, it is encouraging news given that farmers earn more from vegetables and fruits than food grains. But around the same time, reports of farmers dumping...

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2 lakh malnourished kids in UP: NHRC asks state govt for action-taken report -Priyangi Agarwal

-The Times of India BAREILLY (U.P.): After a Bareilly-based activist filed a complaint with National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) that there are nearly 2 lakh malnutrition children in the state and the government is not taking appropriate steps in the matter, the commission has directed UP chief secretary to take appropriate action in the matter and submit an action-taken report in four weeks. Rajesh Chaudhary, a Bareilly-based activist, had lodged a complaint...

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The ABC of the RTE -Maninder Kaur Dwivedi

-The Hindu Open-minded adoption of the RTE Act’s enabling provisions can radically transform school education Free and compulsory education of children in the 6 to 14 age group in India became a fundamental right when, in 2002, Article 21-A was inserted in the 86th Amendment to the Constitution. This right was to be governed by law, as the state may determine, and the enforcing legislation for this came eight years later, as...

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