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Truant monsoon spells trouble for soyabean in Central india -Vishwanath Kulkarni and Subramani Ra Mancombu

-The Hindu Business Line Trade sees lower acreage in MP; higher area in Maharashtra, other states For farmers like Sunil Mukhati and hundreds of others near Indore in Madhya Pradesh, gazing at the skies as soon as they get up every day, has become a sort of ritual over the past couple of weeks. “We have been looking at the sky every morning these last few days, hoping that we will get some...

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Six-fold increase in people suffering famine-like conditions since pandemic began

-Press release by Oxfam dated 9th July, 2021 11 people are likely dying every minute from hunger, now outpacing COVID-19 fatalities, warns Oxfam A new Oxfam report today says that as many as 11 people are likely dying of hunger and malnutrition each minute. This is more than the current global death rate of COVID-19, which is around seven people per minute. The report, ‘The Hunger Virus Multiplies’ says that conflict remains the...

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In a passing, the larger picture of dispossession -Chitrangada Choudhury

-The Hindu Blaming ‘the system’ alone for Father Stan Swamy’s death obscures how india’s political economy is linked to deprival When an officer from the National Investigation Agency (NIA) came to interrogate Father Stan Swamy last monsoon, the Jesuit sociologist, then 83, in turn asked him about police integrity, and why a father-son duo (P. Jayaraj and Bennicks) should die of custodial torture in a Tamil Nadu police lock-up. It was quintessential...

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School Education Not Equally Accessible For All, Shows UDISE+ Data -Ditsa Bhattacharya While private unaided schools comprise 22.38% of the total number of schools in india, they saw a whopping 37.13% of total enrolments during 2019-2020. New Delhi: Over 26 crore children were enrolled in schools during the academic year 2019-2020, according to the Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+) Report for the year 2019-20. Government schools saw the highest number of enrolments, followed by private unaided schools. According to the UDISE+...

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The pandemic in data: How Covid-19 has devastated india’s economy -Swati Dhingra & Maitreesh Ghatak The sharp drop in GDP is the largest in the country’s history – and even that may well underestimate the economic damage experienced by the poorest households. From April to June 2020, india’s GDP dropped by a massive 24.4%. According to the latest national income estimates, in the second quarter of the 2020-’21 financial year (July-September 2020), the economy contracted by a further 7.4%, with the third and fourth quarters (October...

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