Total Matching Records found : 2913

Detracting from entitlements by Brinda Karat

The National Advisory Council's proposals on the Food Security Bill represent a bad deal for the poor. The struggle for an effective and equitable Food Security Bill (FSB) has received a setback with the disappointing proposals put forward by the National Advisory Council. There is a disturbing disjuncture between what is being claimed and the actual implications of the proposals. Indeed it may be said that the NAC proposals create new...

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Along the food chain by MK Venu

Politicians, from the ruling party and opposition alike, are grappling with the problem of how to effectively communicate with their constituencies on the issue of high food inflation. One had thought it would be easy for the opposition to mount a campaign on rising prices against the ruling coalition, but it appears that inflation and its impact on the political economy is far more complex today than it was 10...

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Senior FCI officials suspended by Gargi Parsai

Pawar asks FCI to take corrective measures Lack of godowns major problem With the proposed National Food Security Bill on the anvil, the Food Ministry has cracked the whip to eliminate damage to foodgrains stocks stored in the open, under monsoon conditions. Based on the findings of the Ministry's inspection team, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) on Wednesday suspended senior officials and sought explanation from top executives for improper handling of and...

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Rlys extends helping hand to FCI in lifting stocks from Punjab, Haryana by Praveen Kumar Singh

Indian Railways has come to Food Corporation of India’s (FCI) rescue in flood-hit Punjab and Haryana, where part of its foodgrain stocks have been rotting due to heavy rains. The national transporter has given a discount of 35% to the public sector food procurer to carry grains from northern India to other parts of the country. The railways also expects to boost its own revenue by transporting a large volume of...

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Last year's kharif drought may tell on output this year by Gargi Parsai

The foodgrains output for 2009-10 is expected to be 16.27 million tonnes lower at 218.20 million tonnes than the record production of 234.47 million tonnes last year. The decline, mainly in rice, edible oils and coarse cereals, is due to the widespread drought in the kharif season last year. Significantly, the government has slightly lowered the expected production of wheat in the fourth advance estimates to 80.71 million tonnes from 80.98 million...

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