-CaravanMagazine.in In May 2020, 10 central trade unions jointly wrote twice to Guy Ryder, the director general of the International Labour Organisation, drawing attention to the plight of migrant workers during the COVID-19 crisis as well as the government’s dilution and suspension of labour laws. In May, several states—INCluding Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat—introduced sweeping changes in labour laws such as INCreasing the working hours from eight to 12. The...
Where Are Official Statistics on Employment? -KR Shyam Sundar
-Newsclick.in The government must analyse its existing data collection exercises, rationalise them and improve the inefficient statistical administration. It is good news that the Labour Bureau will revive its establishments-based Quarterly Employment Surveys or QES, using a larger sample. SINCe the Periodic Labour Force Surveys or PLFS collects data from households, the proposed quarterly survey of jobs will collect data from establishments. But it is advisable to review the multiple existing employment...
More »Farm laws worsen a development model that covets land, ignores cultivator -Vasundhara Jairath
-The Indian Express For a healthy agrarian sector, the state must strengthen and protect the position of the cultivator. As long as land acquisition continues at its current pace, there is little chance of that happening. As farmers from Punjab and Haryana force the central government into unconditional talks, demanding nothing less than a repeal of the three new farm laws, the BJP-led NDA government insists the reforms are “farmer-friendly”. The farm...
More »Plunging down -Prabhat Patnaik
-The Telegraph The Indian economy is in a quagmire Data released by the National Statistical Office, which show the gross domestic product for the second quarter (July-September) of 2020-21 declining by “only” 7.5 per cent compared to the second quarter of the previous year, have been hailed in official circles as “good news”; on the contrary, they show the economy being stuck in a quagmire. The first point to note is that while...
More »Farmers Denied Rs 1,900 Crore Due to Sales Below MSP in Last Two Months -Kabir Agarwal and Dheeraj Mishra
-TheWire.in The Wire's analysis reinforces the fact that the announcement of MSP for most crops remains mostly on paper as farmers are rarely able to sell it for these prices. New Delhi: If the government’s minium support price (MSP) programme helped in properly creating a minimum floor price, farmers across 11 major agricultural states would have, on average, earned almost Rs 1,900 crore more by selling their produce. According to The Wire’s analysis...
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