Total Matching Records found : 3127

Number of panchayats receiving Nirmal Gram Puraskar declining by K Balchand

Cash award given to full sanitation coverage with defecation-free environment Only 2,808 gram panchayats, one block panchayat have been chosen for 2010 award Number of awards peaked in 2008 with 12,144 panchayats, 112 blocks, 8 zila parishads winning The incentive award the Ministry of Panchayati Raj gives annually to the Panchayati Raj Institutions to take up sanitation promotion schemes somehow doesn't seem to be a motivating factor anymore with the number of panchayats...

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Corrupt means taint the nuclear deal by Brahma Chellaney

The new bribery revelations, a rigged process to import reactors and safety-related concerns must lead to the long-blocked scrutiny of the nuclear deal by Parliament. The world's worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl raises troubling questions about India's plans for a huge expansion of its nuclear power programme through reactor imports. Given its low per-capita energy consumption, India must generate far more electricity to economically advance. So it needs more nuclear-generated power....

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For performing babus, Centre clears Cash incentive plan by Swaraj Thapa

The Centre has approved a performance related incentive scheme (PRIS) that will allow babus performing well to avail of Cash incentives from the next fiscal onwards. A committee of secretaries chaired by Cabinet Secretary K M Chandrasekhar approved the scheme last fortnight and has asked the Department of Expenditure to work out guidelines for its implementation. To avail of the incentive scheme, government departments will have to get a performance rating of...

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Farmers feel left out by Latha Jishnu & Jyotika Sood

The budget is more concerned about the consumer than the grower A LOOMING food crisis in the world and high food inflation rates at home made Pranab Mukherjee’s proposals to boost agriculture in his 2011 budget more keenly watched than usual. These are factors that clearly weighed with the finance minister who repeatedly said that his principal concern this year has been the continuing high food prices. The squeeze on the...

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A Dark Lining To The Shine by Neelabh Mishra

Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar recently alleged that Monsanto, the Union environment ministry’s genetic engineering approval committee (GEAC) and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) had colluded to start trials of genetically modified maize in Bihar before clearance from the environment ministry and the state government. The charge is significant: Nitish says ICAR’s experimental farms in Bihar did not maintain the stipulated “isolation distance” from normal farmland, meant to...

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