-The Indian Express The immediate cause for suspecting the genuineness of survey responses is the divergence in the estimates of households with access to toilets. Differences between survey estimates and comparable data from administrative sources are not surprising. The survey data are believed to present a more realistic view, especially when it relates to access to public goods and services. Generally, the distrust is more on administrative data from implementing agencies. While...
No documents need to be produced for NPR: Union Home Ministry
-The Hindu “Details given by people to enumerators will be accepted,” Union Home Ministry spokesperson says. The Union Home Ministry on Wednesday clarified that no person needs to submit any documents during the house-to-house survey for updating the National Population Register and that information provided by individuals would be accepted and recorded. THRough a series of tweets, the Ministry sought to deny the THRust of a report in The Hindu headlined NPR trial...
More »Agriculture exports: How it has the potential to transform Indian farm sector -Ashok Sharma
-The Indian Express There’s a need to come up with a new model of growth THRough focused value chains. When it comes to exports, there are several key issues that affect the various stakeholders concerned. It’s almost sardonic that when you type “agrarian” in Google, it invariably suggests “crisis” as the following word. In 2019, the Indian farm sector grew minus 0.1% year-on-year in January-March and 2% and 2.1% in the next...
More »Rural workers face wage delay -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph MGNREGA funds run thin, government sits on demand Millions of rural job scheme workers may have their wages delayed in the new year with the programme coffers depleting and the finance ministry sitting on the demand for additional funds. According to data on the scheme website, the funds available as of December 30, 2019, were Rs 2,766 crore, which social activists working on the scheme’s implementation said would be exhausted in...
More »State of the economy: Beyond hiccups -Dipankar Dasgupta
-The Telegraph The power of Keynes’s multiplier process is not absolute An eminent economist observed recently in a national daily’s blog that in spite of the Indian economy’s periodic hiccups, there is no serious THReat to the system. “[H]istory,” he asserts, “should give us some pause as we assess the prospects of (the) Indian economy in the medium to long run. There is no denying that the economy is going THRough a...
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