-PTI The daily expense cut-off of Rs 32 per person to define urban poverty “is not all that ridiculous in Indian conditions”, Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said today. The comments, certain to stoke the controversy over the criteria, came in a letter that Ahluwalia wrote to attorney-general Goolam Vahanvati. “The fact is that Rs 4,824 per month for a family (of five persons) to define poverty is not comfortable but...
Rs. 32 a day poverty line not all that ridiculous: Montek
-PTI Even as a controversy rages over the Rs. 32 per capita per day poverty line, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia has said “it is not all that ridiculous” in Indian conditions. “The fact is that Rs. 4,824 per month for a family [of five] to define poverty is not comfortable but it is not all that ridiculous in Indian conditions,” Mr. Ahluwalia said in a letter to Attorney-General Goolam...
More »NREGA workers are mostly women by Gayathri Sasibhooshan
Kerala has the most number of female national rural employment guarantee act (NREGA) workers in the country, according to the rural development ministry's 2008 assessment. And the projection for the year 2010 showed 95% of NREGA workers in the state would be women. Why more women come for NREGA work is because men in Kerala are not ready to work for Rs 150 a day, the wage that is paid. But...
More »AADHAR to be linked to MGNREGS wages by K Balchand
Bid to add social content to UID scheme, otherwise in limbo With the AADHAR scheme apparently in limbo, the Centre is making a desperate effort to provide it social content. As of now, only 3.5 crore unique identification cards have been issued as against an enrolment of 10 crore people across the country. Matters turned worse when the Reserve Bank of India issued a directive that bank accounts could not be opened on...
More »In Chhattisgarh, bureaucratic enthusiasm leaves lakhs without rations by Aman Sethi
“There is never enough rice to go around for the whole family,” says tribal woman Leela With a handful of grain and a head full of recipes, Leela cooks rice in a pot balanced on three stones in a room with a few bricks knocked out to let in sunlight in this village barely 150 km from Raipur, Chhattisgarh capital. When rice is scarce, she adds more water to make a broth,...
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